Customize the Employee Maintenance Screen

You can customize the Employee Maintenance screen in several ways. You can specify the number of employee records displayed on each page, and can also search, sort, and filter employee records. In addition, you can show and hide selected columns, and change the order of the columns.

  • Number of records displayed per page — Choose to display 10, 25, or 50 records per page and use the page controls to navigate between pages.

  • Search — Enter search characters in the text box at the top of the screen. As you enter characters, LiveIQ highlights all the matches in the employee records. Note that the search is performed only on the columns and fields that are visible; it does not search columns that are hidden.

  • Sort — Click at the top of a column to sort it. Once the column is sorted, click or to change the sort order (ascending or descending).

  • Filter — Enter the filter criteria in the Filter box at the top of a column. Some columns include a qualifier (such as “before” or “after” when you specify a date) or a list of options that you can select instead of entering the filter criteria. Click Clear Filter to remove all filters.

Manage the Column Display

  1. From the LiveIQ toolbar, click Labor.

  2. On the LiveIQ Labor screen, click Employee Maintenance.

  3. To change the sequence of columns on the screen, drag and drop columns to the location where you want them.

  4. To show or hide columns, perform these steps:

    1. Click Edit Columns.

      The pane that opens lists all the columns that you can show or hide. Some columns cannot be hidden.

    2. Use the slider bars to show or hide columns. To hide all the columns that can be hidden, click Select All; to show all the columns, click Select None.

    3. Click Apply.